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  • AMBER Energy will conduct an effciency analysis of your faciltiy and recommend efficiency  improvements to lower your energy usage


  • We'll help you achieve all available incentives for that investment or help you secure third party funding for your project


  •  We provide you the tools you need to track your efficiency improvements and measure your return on investment


  • We will qualify your efficiency investment for capacity payments from PJM (if available) and bid your capacity into the PJM auctions



We can help your facility become more efficient!

We'll track your carbon footprint reductions

All of the reductions achieved by your organization can be measured and converted to equivalent reductions in output of greenhouse gases. After establishing  a baseline for your facility, Amber Energy will give you a dashboard to measure the reduction in "greenhouse gas" emissions due to your efficiency programs.  

According to the US EPA, reducing your electric energy use by 1 megawatt hour will save 0.858 tons of CO2 emissions. 

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